Friday, December 27, 2019

6 Things to Do Before Leaving Your Job

6 Things to Do Before Leaving Your Job6 Things to Do Before Leaving Your JobI know how exciting that last day at work before leaving for grad school is Trust me, there is literally nothing better than deleting your office email account from your phone. Of course, your last few weeks and months can be anything but amazing- it feels like theres not enough time to get everything done, and I was sure that I would forget to do something really important before I had to turn in my work laptop. There are definitely some things you can do, however, to help ensure that you have a smooth work transition and a calm(ish) exit from the office. Ive put together a list of six things to do that will help you wrap things up efficiently so that you can spend less time worrying about work and more time getting excited for school in the fall. 1. Write a Transition PlanI know that planning doesnt always sound that exciting, but putting together a transition plan is crucial for making sure that youre able to get everything done before you leave. It doesnt have to be fancy, especially if youre not the planning type- but I would recommend including at least this basic informationWho will own each of your projects and tasks moving forward. Dont leave anything out, no matter how small it may seem The dates each of your projects and tasks will transition to their new owners. Ideally all of these transitions will happen at least a week before you leave so that you have a bit of a buffer. What specific tasks you will complete before exiting your organization and how long you think each action will take. Make sure not to forget administrative steps like exiting paperwork- I found admin items to take at least 1.5 times longer than I expected. Your manager will definitely thank you for putting this together, and it will also help you ensure that you have enough time to get everything done. I had all sorts of lofty ideas for what I was going to accomplish before leaving my job, but when I put everything down on paper, I realized that I had signed myself up for alfruchtwein an extra weeks worth of tasks The transition plan helped me platzdeckchen realistic goals and make sure all of my work was accounted for. 2. Archive, Archive, ArchiveWhen most people leave their companies, they lose access to everything work-related email, documents, servers, professional development materials, and more. So make sure that you set aside enough time to archive everything thats important to you. I created a Dropbox account and saved everything I thought I might need access to on it, such as deliverables I might want to use as examples for my work or project plans I could use again in a future role, even if I couldnt decide how it might be relevant. I also dedicated half a day just to going through my emails so that I could make sure I wouldnt lose anything important. I copied over entire folders that seemed important (e.g., my Performance Reviews folder) and then forwarded other useful em ails to my Gmail account. It took while, but it was definitely worth it. This step also includes taking a look at your passwords- you need to update all accounts that are linked to your work email address, such as your 401(k), paystubs, and health insurance to ensure that you dont get locked out of any important systems after leaving. 3. Figure Out Your Health InsuranceIt sounds boring, and it definitely is, but I would really recommend sorting our your health insurance options before your official exit date. Different companies have different policies about coverage- for example, my company only covered me through my final pay period, while others will cover employees through their final month- so make sure you really understand what your policy looks like before leaving. Usually a quick call with your menschenfreundlich resources team will give you all of the information you need. You will also need to look into the health insurance plan at your school. Universities often offer at least basic coverage for full-time students, and some actually have pretty good benefits. Many schools will even start providing insurance the summer before you start, so hopefully youll be able to sort out a situation where you dont have any coverage gaps. If you do, check out sites like and Macori for more information.4. Have an Exit InterviewRegardless of whether your company requires one or not, I think its always a great idea to have an exit interview with your manager. This isnt because I would recommend spending an hour venting about everything youve always hated about your office- quite the opposite, actually. While an exit interview is a good opportunity for you to share some (hopefully constructive) feedback, its also a great opportunity to hear any feedback your boss has for you as you leave the workplace. For example, you can ask him or her to tell you about the top three strengths and areas for development you should focus on as you consider how to o ptimize your professional development during grad school. Your manager may also be able to give you an idea about aspects of your previous role that you hit out of the park and should try to replicate in future jobs. If you want to leave the door open to coming back after school, you can also use the interview to highlight roles you could be interested in so that youll be on managements radar. 5. Keep in TouchDont forget to keep in touch with people after you leave the office. I worked at the same organization for five years, and many of my co-workers were also really good friends, so I made a big effort to make sure that everyone had my contact information and knew what I was going to be up to. I also set up future times to meet with a couple people so I knew when I would be able to talk with them and hear about life back on the ranch.6. Plan a VacationLets be honest, you deserve some time off Applying to grad school while working full time is no easy feat, and you should definitel y set aside some time to put your feet up before you have to dive into school. You may not be able to take a trip for financial or logistical reasons, but I would really encourage you to think about taking at least a few days off even if to do nothing but relax and gather your thoughts before getting ready for your new phase in life. My last day at work was about three weeks before I moved to school, which I thought that would be tons of time- but it turned out that I spent pretty much all of it moving and running going-back-to-school errands. I was worried about money, which is why I worked so late, but I wish I had taken another week off so that I could have relaxed a little bit before getting back into gear. I hope these steps will help you close things out- I know a lot of them arent fun, but I found them to be incredibly useful during my last eight weeks on the job. Good luckPhoto of calendar courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How are Job Vacancy Positions Filled

How are Job Vacancy Positions FilledHow are Job Vacancy Positions FilledA vacancy is an employment position within a company, government organization or nonprofit that has no current occupant. It opens the door for recruitment efforts with outside applicants or for promotion from within the ranks, and sometimes a combination of both. How Vacancies Occur The most common way a vacancy occurs is when a current employee leaves his position due to promotion, demotion, termination or resignation. Promotions can cause a chain reaction of vacancies because employees within an organization are often promoted in succession down the hierarchy. The demotion of one rolle often causes the promotion of another person. Terminations can cause a chain reaction of promotions if the vacancy is a management position. Sometimes organizations create new positions, so these begin as vacancies. How They Are Filled Vacancies are filled with a variety of selection processes. The larger the organization , the more formalized this process will typically be. The selection process in government is almost always highly formal to give all parties who are involved in the process a sense of fairness. Such a process is also meant to withstand scrutiny from those outside it. Full-Time Equivalents Vacancies are not the same as full-time equivalents. FTE is a measurement of how many employees an organization has, assuming all employees work a full-time schedule. Its instrumental in defining certain health care laws and labor laws. Employers with fewer FTEs are sometimes given exemptions and special considerations. A vacancy for a full-time position equals one FTE. Part-time positions count for less than one FTE. The exact amount depends on how many hours per week the person in the part-time position works or worked. Related Terms A vacancy is sometimes called by these other terms vacant positionjob openingopen positionopening Examples A companys chief executive officer retires. It creates a vacancy at the top of the organization. After a lengthy hiring process, the companys board of directors promotes the companys chief financial officer to the chief executive officer position. One of the defining traits of this company is its propensity to promote from within, so the accounting department director becomes the chief financial officer after several selection processes. The accounts payable manager then becomes the accounting director, and one of the accounts payable accountants become the accounts, payable manager. Someone from outside the company is hired as accounts payable accountant. As a result of the chief executive officers retirement, the company filed a total of five vacancies. A rapidly growing city must ensure that the size of its government keeps pace with its population. After looking at the citys growth over the last few years and considering projections of what growth will look like over the next 10 years, the city manager and police chief dec ided that the city must hire two additionalpolice officers each year over the next 10 years. In addition to positions that must be filled due to promotions, demotions, terminations, and resignations, the police department will have two vacancies to fill next year.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your Resume

10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your Resume10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your ResumeMany words that were once widely popular in the employment jargon are slowly getting a bit old. They just got overused by both employers and job seekers. Companies often get resumes with statements such asIm a self-motivated team player with a can-do attitude and ability to think outside the box. Sorry, youre what? If youve ever written a non-sensical sentence like this, the recruiter probably took you more for a dictionary than a person. Like we said in our previous blog post, the job offers sometimes push you into using the same buzzwords all over again because they were listed in requirements for the candidate. But you dont really have to follow the standard resume patterns. Distinguish yourself from the others by not using these phrases.Using clich words tells the recruiter nothing about you. Give your resume some meaning by describing the real you, not the clich you. Dont fill your resume with fluff and never write anything you cant base with evidence. Keep this in mind and youll increase your chances to get an vorstellungsgesprch invitation. And next time youll be writing your resume, avoid using these 10 buzzwords1. Thinking outside the box Nine out of ten recruiting managers would toss your resume in the trash without second thoughts if they saw that you think outside the box. Okay, we made that up, but we simply think theres no worse buzzword than this one. Whoever started this outside the box mania should have stayed inside the box.2. Creative There are many forms of creativity and plenty of spheres where being creative is a great advantage. But its slowly becoming a vaguely used word. If youre applying for any artistic kind of job, being creative somehow goes without saying. And for any other job creative is simply too general, be more specific how your creativity would be a benefit for the job.3. Team player Being a team player doesnt mean anything real ly unless you can be a good team player. What trait in particular makes you a great contribution to the team? Be more specific and point out in what way youd bring value to the team. On its own it is just another clich buzzword.4. Problem-solver This ones very similar to the previous one. So, which problems did you solve? Stating that you are a problem solver tells the recruiter virtually nothing. Instead, say what trait in particular helped to solve these problems or give aconcrete example of how you solved a certain issue.5. Dynamic So youre dynamic? Good for you. Only were not sure how your ability to move helps you get an interview. You should rid your resume of words like this because theyre just too vague and not at all relevant. If you wish to express you are active and passionate, specifically mention your activities and passions. Give those words meanings. 6. Hard-working Without evidence, statements about how hard-working you are sound a bit hollow. Can you prove it? Maybe give an example of your volunteer work, mention some projects you worked hard on at university or express passion for learning new things and getting experience.7. Can-do attitude Its great to let the recruiter know you can do it. But on the other hand, who would ever confess on their resume theyre as lazy as a sloth? Let the recruiter know you dont get easily scared of too much workload. Or you can hint at your time management skills or mention a situation where you proved most resourceful. 8. Proactive Its incredible how many proactive people walk the surface of the Earth judging from how many resumes contain this information. Proactivity is a valuable personal trait that could make you a CEO one day. If youre really able to deal with issues proactively, tell the recruiter a story of you being the hero to save the day and youll get the interview.9. Self-motivated Rather than using this clich buzzword, express your enthusiasm and interest for something. It doesnt even have to be c onnected to the job, it could be a hobby or a cause that you eagerly cared about and turned it into something bigger. Think about a situation that proves you dont give up easily. 10. Flexible What does that even mean, that youre capable of standing palms to the floor? Unless flexibility is a requirement for the job, dont bother with mentioning this buzzword on your resume. Instead, emphasize your different set of skills and versatility of your expertise. If youve had different kinds of jobs before, take the best skills you learned in each one and tailor it to the job offer you apply for now.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Friday, December 13, 2019

Writing Position

Writing lokalittSample Cover Letter for a Marketing/Writing PositionWhen you submit a cover letter, you want to convey that you can excel at the job, that you will bring value to the company, and that you will fit in well with the company culture. This is particularly important when you write a cover letter for a job in absatzwirtschaft. After all, marketing is all about selling a product or idea to a particular audience. In your cover letter, you want to sell yourself to the company. You want to convince the hiring manager that he or she needs you in that position and that you will be vital to the company. Read below for tips on how to write a strong cover letter for a job in marketing and/or writing. Then read a sample cover letter for a job in marketing/writing. You can use the sample letter for inspiration when writing your own cover letter. Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for a Marketing / Writing Position Prove you will excel at the job. You want to prove in your cover lett er that you are the ideal candidate for the position. Demonstrate this by using keywords from the job listing in your cover letter. Mention skills or abilities from the job listing that are required for the job. Dont simply say you have these skills, but also provide a specific example of a time you demonstrated each skill.Show you will fit in with the work environment. Employers are looking for job candidates who are not only capable but also likable. They want to know you will fit in well in the office environment. Therefore, do some research on the company culture. For example, is the company known for doing a lot of team projects? Provide an example of your success as a team member in the past. Demonstrate your knowledge of the company. Because this is a job in marketing, you want to show that you know what clients you would be working with, and what products you would be promoting. If you have experience marketing the same kinds of products you would be marketing at this compan y, mention this. Also, detail why youre interested in the specific job make the company feel special and demonstrate your knowledge of their company within the industry.Explain how you will add value. While it is important to prove you have the skills for the job, you also want to show how you will bring value to the company. Perhaps your budgetary skills will save the marketing office money. Or maybe your efficiency will help you complete projects ahead of time. Try to use numbers to show how you will save the company money or time. Be personal, relatable, and unique. Showing your personality is not easy to do in a cover letter. It is easy to overdo it and come across as unprofessional. Instead, try to show what makes you stand out from other job candidates in your letter. Again, this is something you have to do in marketing all the time you often have to show that your product stands out from the competition. Point out anything that makes you an interesting and relatable candidate . For example, include a unique anecdote that shows a skill you have, but also helps the hiring manager get to know you better. Edit, edit, edit. A job in marketing or writing requires a candidate who is a strong writer with attention to detail. Therefore, thoroughly proofread your letter, looking for any spelling or grammar errors. Ask a friend or career counselor to read your letter as well. The following is a cover letter in a businessletter format. If you write a cover letter email, you can leave out the contact information and date at the top, and you do not have to sign the letter at the bottom. Cover Letter Sample for a Marketing / Writing Job FirstName LastNameYour AddressYour City, State Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour schmelzglasDateContact NameTitleCompany NameAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms. LastNameThe job listing posted onWriteJobs.comfor a Production Editor-Proofreader caught my attention. I am confident that my experience fulfilling directives of marketing proje cts and my ability to produce high-quality written material on deadline would be valuable to your Sales Intelligence team.I am currently working toward earning my bachelors degree in English and Professional Writing. Last year I completed an associates degree program in business administration, graduating with honors. My current GPA stands at 4.0. Since my education is online, grades are based solely on written communication.During the past eighteen months I have produced close to 100 projects, including essays, reports, proposals, letters, emails, charts, graphs, tables, discussion board postings, and PowerPoint presentations. My associates degree in business actually contributed to enhancing my writing abilities. In addition, by going back to school after first working in business for seven years, I bring practical skills and appreciable experience from the job world with tangible accomplishments and aptitudes.Your job listing indicates youre seeking someone with a sharp eye for d etail to help facilitate the production flow of client deliverables. My extensive experience with print media helped me to sharpen my eye by proofreading countless materials prior to going to press. My three years spent in the insurance field added to my attention to detail. I analyzed, reviewed, and processed group insurance documents and applications, making sure all components were present and complete to comply with insurance regulations and laws. In this job, there was no room for errors. With over seven years of history working with promotional projects, my primary responsibility and objective has always been simple to satisfy the client.My work has instilled in me resourcefulness, insight, integrity and accountability. I hope we can meet so I can provide some more examples of my skills and explore the contributions I could bring to the position.Please contact me at JaneDoeemail.comor 312-550-1111 to arrange a time. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consi deration for this position.Sincerely,Handwritten Signature (hard copy letter)FirstName LastName Expand Sending an Email Letter When you are sending your letter via email include the job title and your name in the subject line of your message Subject FirstName LastName Production Editor-Proofreader Position List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter Sincerely, FirstName LastNameYour EmailYour Phone NumberYour LinkedIn Profile (optional)

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Good Resume Example - Overview

A Good Resume Example - Overview New Ideas Into a Good Resume Example Never Before Revealed The manner in which you arrange your resume is dependent on how well your experience appears to prepare you for the position you desire. Every industry differs and you should be certain your resume reflects your industrys standards. You might be the very best candidate for the job, but when your resume isnt written correctly, your odds of showing your expertise are extremely slim. Your resume ought to be laid out in a professional way and ought to incorporate all of your contact information and your name on top. Of course you desire your resume to be elendiced, but for the best reasonsand youve got to see that it starts with the very first second someone looks at it. Particularly for teller resumes, its wise to provide some dollar figures to show that youre able to be trusted with accurately balancing large quantities money. Now you get an ideal opportunity to conserve effort and money By ordering earlier, you save. You may have to prepare more than 1 master resume if you are likely to look for different kinds of jobs. In reality, you ought to be aware that a great deal of companies nowadays are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. Be certain to highlight people skills and that you understand how to close a deal. Most people today look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. Resume want to employ individuals who can do the job. Since your resume should, if at all possible, be no longer than a couple of pages, you might need to nix certain products. Your resume is among the fruchtwein significant parts of your job application. Resume is the core part for getting work during the work search. Distinct kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a lot of the very same skills. Even in the event you dont enjoy the template, envision it using a different font. Th e info above should explain to you how sample manager resumes are best structured, to find an interview and find that job. There are lots of standard kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. While a resume is tailored for a particular position thats applied for, its short and concise. A resume serves as the expert profile of a candidate whod love to get hired for a specific job position. Each time you submit an application for a new job, check your resume to guarantee that it is not only targeted, but in addition current. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Whatever shows your work made a difference ought to be included. A masters degree will give you with the opportunity to show you can acquire superior grades. You get, normally, 10 to 20 seconds to produce a very first impression by means of your resumeso make it count An excellent resume ought to be standard. Below, you will locate a list of res ume examples that may aid you with your work search. Its better to be certain that each word is relevant and meaningful. The GOOD example indicates a Summary that presents similar info in a means that is far more meaningful to a prospective employer. First notice the dearth of relevant search phrases. Perhaps while looking for examples you noticed poor samples all around the internet. A site with huge group of best sample resumes which you are able to use while putting in an application for work. Others are provided by graphic design sites. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement. A resume is most likely one of the most essential documents you must produce, and its most effective to locate a good resume example to copy. Its extremely important that your document should be totally perfect. You may use the information that you get back fro m them to assist you with future applications. After you have written and organized your information according to the kind of resume youve chosen, make certain to format it according to typical professional standards.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Control For me and Against me Thoughts

How to Control For me and Against me Thoughts According to UCLAs Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, the average person has around 70,000 thoughts per day. That is overwhelming. The majority of a persons thoughts will be on whatever he or she is focused on in that given moment. This means that during the week, fruchtwein people tend to focus on work and work-related issues. Because our jobs and careers are such a large and important aspect of our lives, its only normal to focus so much attention to these areas. But what happens when our thinking is unhealthy?FM and AM. For me and Against me thoughts. They are just like they sound. For me thoughts are those thoughts you have that bring you up, are encouraging and positive. Against me thoughts are the opposite degrading, depressing and negative. Many different things we come into contact with on a daily basis are always trying to tell us what and how to th ink this is pretty, that is unattractive, this is acceptable, that is not the path to go down. Yet, often times, the loudest voice we here is the one inside our heads.Controlling your thoughts cutting back on AM and increasing FM thoughts is an important step on the path to success. Below are five areas youre koranvers to encounter in the pursuit of your dreams, the AM thoughts that can come along with them, and how to turn your sticking thinking into FM thoughts.PassionEveryone has a passion or passions. Its whatever ignites the flame inside of you whatever lights that spark. Passions are usually uncontrollable, meaning you simply cannot help the way you feel. Ever since you watched your first episode of Law Order you wanted to be a detective, or your love for people is innate causing you to pursue opening a nonprofit. Yet, just because something is in inside of your heart, doesnt mean your mind always agrees.AM thoughts I do not have a passion I dont care about anything.My intere sts are too different.I cannot become successful working in a field related to my passions.FM thoughts Although I have yet to discover my passion, I will.My interests are original and unique.Success is waking up each day loving the work I do, not how much money I make.AbilitiesI believe everyone has a natural talent(s), but this doesnt mean people cannot learn new skills. Ive heard the saying that talent isnt born, its created, which means no matter who you are, you can master a craft if you put in the necessary time and effort to do so. Our abilities, gifts and talents are crucial to our future success because these skills are what allow us to become successful. Yet, using your gifts will be that much harder if 1) you dont believe you have any or 2) you arent confident in the ones you do have.AM thoughts I am untalented.I dont have what it takes.I am not as good as the next person.FM thoughts I am talented and have special gifts.I have what it takes to succeed.I do not focus on the skills of others, but continually sharpen and increase my own. Someone elses talent does not diminish my own.Goalsschauplatz goals is a necessary step when trying to accomplish your dreams. Often times we look at the big picture, which is necessary, but breaking tasks down into smaller goals instead of aiming directly for the top helps. We have to remain focused and positive when executing the short-term goals because its very easy to fall into a negative mindset as 1) you wait for the end result and 2) you encounter roadblocks that may cause you to stumble along the way.AM thoughts My dreams are too big.This is impossible.Its rare to accomplish this kind of goal. Most people dont make it.FM thoughts No dream is too big. If I can see it, I can become it.With hard work and determination, nothing is impossible.The only one stopping me from accomplishing my goals is me.CouragePursuing your hopes and dreams isnt always easy. It will take a lot of courage to get out there and do what yo uve set your mind to do. It always seems more comfortable to avoid taking risks, but if you never try how will you know what you can and cannot do?AM thoughts This is too risky.What if I fail?I should just take the easy route and do something more realistic/tangible.FM thoughts Taking risks is how you experience new things in life.Theres no such thing as failure. Only lessons learned.Easier doesnt always mean better. An easy route wont challenge me to grow.PerseveranceThe ability to persevere is vital to becoming successful. Nothing in life will be handed to you. The path to accomplishing your goals will be filled with obstacles, hurdles and setbacks, but its how you react to the unexpected that counts. AM thoughts will cause you to throw in the towel and give up, but choosing to think FM thoughts can help you push through.AM thoughts This is too hard.I should just quit.I should have never tried to do this.FM thoughts If it were easy, everyone could do it.Ive come too far to give up .Either way theres going to be an election and someone is going to win. You may as well run. (Translation) If I dont try, someone else will.Remember, no one is guaranteed to be on your side when youre pursuing your goals. Controlling your thoughts will ensure that, at the end of the day, you will at least have one person who believes in you yourself.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sell Yourself Short

Sell Yourself ShortSell Yourself ShortExcerpted from Youre Better Than Your Job SearchBy Marc Cenedella and Matthew RothenbergIf your experience is in a troubled industry, you may have to find a whole new way to package it, says Randy Hain, managing partner at Bell Oaks Executive Search in Atlanta. I know a guy who was senior in the insurance industry, he says. He ended up taking a project-manager job with a small company that saw some value in his leadership skills. But he couldnt find anything related to his experience. I see that a lot with anyone related to real estate right now, or home lending, mortgages. Theres just nothing to be found. Either they take a job in a new industry, or they take anything they can in their industry to survive.Colleen ONeill, a principal at Mercer, says she believes hiring managers tend to be much mora flexible about cross-industry moves today. When were talking to recruiting managers, theyre very open, and they know that even that highly qualified candidate might have been making much more than theyre offering today.And then certainly, I think people have a different mindset Its not necessarily going to hurt their long-term prospects that they have something else to add in their portfolio, that there was some period of time that they worked in a different industry, had a different job - were kind of in a different place than we were the last recession, she says. People know that there going to have many jobs over the course of their working life. From an employers standpoint, I think people are very open to it.Now available in e-book form for $3.99 from online retailers, including Amazon, Books-a-million, Barnes Noble and Borders.From Youre Better Than Your Job Search by Marc Cenedella and Matthew Rothenberg.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Professional Nanny Resume Templates

Free Professional Nanny Resume TemplatesFree Professional Nanny Resume TemplatesThe professional nanny resume templates showcase your serious, no-nonsense side. You like to have fun, but you make sure that homework and chores are done first. View our sample to see if this style is what you need to take your resume to the next level.Create ResumeProfessional Nanny ResumeCustomize ResumeIndustry SnippetsBy perusing our free professional nanny resume templates, you will learn to build a resume that will get noticed by employers and families. Professional Resume Pros and ConsThe professional nanny resume templates are essentially designed to meet the needs of applicants who want to highlight their accomplishments and talents without using fancy graphics. But does that mean its right for you?Pros Well organizedPros You can easily edit this style to tailor it to other jobsCons Some employers might want to see more creativityCons You miss an excellent aussicht to brand yourself professional lyResume TextMICHELLELANDRY123 Street,City, ST, 12345 H (123) 456-7890 C (123) 456-7890 emailisp.comProfessional SummaryChild-focused Nanny with over 10 years of experience in providing care to newborns and school age children within private home settings and during travel. Highly dedicated to fostering nurturing environments and designing engaging activities to drive childrens psychological, social, and intellectual wellbeing. Expertise in managing family schedules, including school and extracurricular activities, to streamline day-to-day events and strengthen relationships and interactions between parents and children.Skill HighlightsChild Care and DevelopmentChild SafetyHousehold ManagementSchedule ManagementChild Mentorship and GuidanceEvent and Activity PlanningTime Management International TravelProfessional Experience8/1/2010 CurrentThe Walsh Family Chicago, IL10/1/2009 CurrentThe Murphy Family Chicago, IL10/1/2006 8/1/2010The Burns Family Chicago, IL9/1/20039/1/2006Pr ovide confidential and comprehensive childcare as full-time or shared nanny to families with up to three children.Help children prepare for daily activities, including assisting with morning and nightly routines, and providing transportation to school and extracurricular events encourage children to complete self-care and hygiene such as bathing and dressing independently. Plan and coordinate weekly playdates, outings, and educational experience, and design activities to further psychological, educational, emotional, and behavioral development.Assist children with arts and crafts, reading, and homework provide immediate feedback and positive reinforcement to help improve understanding of homework objectives.Enforce household rules to maintain safe environments for children, family, and family pets.Research, prepare, and cook weekly family meals discuss dietary restrictions, including allergies, with parents to create nutritional menus.Perform light housekeeping activities such as la undry and organizing childrens toys, clothes, bedrooms, and play areas.Travel with families during international and domestic trips to deliver continuous childcare and minimize disruptions to daily routines.The Shupe FamilyMilwaukee, WIEducation and CertificationTechnical Diploma Child Care Services, summa cum laudeMilwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee, WIFirst Aid and CPR Certification, American Red Cross

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Choose the Best Entry-Level Programming Jobs

How to Choose the Best Entry-Level Programming JobsHow to Choose the Best Entry-Level Programming JobsIf youre at the beginning of your career and looking for programming jobs, you know your skills are in strong demand.Many firms are seeking skilled programmers, and if you are an expert in one of the most popular programming languages (Java or C++, for example), you likely have some great job options. But its important to be strategic about your initial career choices.Here are five tips for assessing entry-level programming jobs to help you choose the one thats right for you1. Look at the money. Depending on the employer, the starting salary for entry-level programming jobs can vary dramatically from one opportunity to another. It may be fairly low, especially if your first gig is with a startup, or it could approach six figures if you sign with a large, established company and you have in-demand skills.Use our Salary Calculator to determine if the offer is reasonable and in line wit h industry standards.2. Then look at the potential money. Even if the starting salary is on the low side, it may not stay that way for long. Assess the bigger picture and dont let your immediate financial needs cloud your future aspirations. When weighing the compensation of various entry-level programming jobs, ask questions about bonbon potential, stock options and whether the company offers regular salary increases.3. Consider the whole package. Present and future wages are just one part of the equation when it comes to evaluating programming jobs. A good benefits package or cool perks can help make up for a less-than-stellar salary. Also consider how the job fits with your lifestyle, current needs, long-term goals and work-life balance. For example, if you value flexibility, look for an employer that allows telecommuting.4. Know where you want to go. Remember, this is just your first gig. Entry-level programming jobs provide a foot in the door and valuable work experience, but i ts crucial to keep overall career goals in sight. When weighing programming jobs, consider aspects like who you might work with and learn from, what doors an opportunity may open down the line, and whether you get to be part of a cool project or up-and-coming technology.5. Can you add new skills? During the interview, ask the hiring manager about the companys programs for training and career advancement. This can help you decide whether it makes sense to accept the offer. Almost seven in 10 IT workers surveyed in a Robert Half Technology survey said the ability to acquire a new skill is important when evaluating job opportunities. Being part of a large development team could help you hone your skills by allowing you to learn from more experienced programmers.On the flip side, if youd rather gain a broad range of experiences, joining a smaller organization could allow you to grow in areas like client relations and project management. It also can provide you with a quicker route to le adership positions.Having a clear sense of what you want from your career is key to choosing the programming jobs that are right for you. You should also figure out your immediate priorities - rent, paying off student loans and so on - and long-term goals.When researching specific jobs, try to connect with programmers who have worked with the organization you would like to join their insights can be valuable. Then, decide which one will best take you where you want to go, and take the plunge.This post has been updated to reflect more current information.